Walking in Morfasso, between amazing nature and history

2017-10-28-morfasso la penna-1IMG_5472-ModificaWALKING IN MORFASSO, BETWEEN AMAZING NATURE AND HISTORY… (di Sergio e Giulio Efosi*)

Walking in Morfasso, between amazing nature and history

 woods, streams of water, long paths, ancient trees, stone houses, old fortresses, pastures, steep climbs are some of the main features of Val d’Arda in the territory of Morfasso.

2017-10-28-morfasso la penna-2IMG_5394An ideal pristine place for those who like sightseeing far from the polluted air of the big cities.

 When arriving in Mignano along the track that passes through the dam after some bends you reach the uphill to Morfasso whose nature is so astonishing that resemble an impressionist piece of art.

This is the first impression of Morfasso, a town in the mountains with a small and peaceful residential community, a vast territory surrounded by a large number of small ancient villages made up of stone houses.
A territory that includes a large chain of some of the most beautiful Apennine Mountains of the entire province of Piacenza like Carameto, Groppo di Gora, Castellaccio, Menegosa, Santa Franca, Mount Moria (famous for it Cross of signs at the Morfassina and Guttarello), the Pelizzone’s pass (which connects Morfasso with Bardi) and the vast plateau of Mount Lama.

2017-10-28-morfasso la penna 1-1IMG_5463_HDRMountains, apennine ridges and mountain pass are linked by an extensive well marked trails suitable for any type of excursion, like a simple walk or something more challenging.
These mountains also have peculiar geological features ranging from the “Ofiolite” of Mt. Menegosa to the “Diaspro” of Mt. Lama, where the great streams of Lubiana and Arda begin.

Also something very interesting is the local fauna.

2017-06-04-sentieri morfasso-1IMG_4216-ModificaIt is possible to see the famous Poiana flying in the skies and other small birds of prey. Occasionally the rest of the wildlife is spotted by locals.

The land of Morfasso is known for being a “land border”, a small province corner where once Brigands e Rebels sought for refuge and a stronghold against invaders of all ages.

Here it is the less known Appenine! Here it is Morfasso with it’s efficient minimal services: pharmacies, the bank, the post office, the small groceries, the restaurants, the taverns, the newsstand, the Green Cross and the Civil Protection.

Here it is the place where the famous Benedictine Abbey of Tolla is located, rose around the VII century (a contemporary of Bobbio’s San Colombano), during the dark ages when the wilderness ruled the valley.

That rediscovered abbey, emerged from the depths of earth, recalled people and founded countries and villages between Castell’Arquato and Morfasso.

It was the most epic achievement of Valdarda’s history.

You know… walking in Morfasso in it’s vast territory is like walking between the uncontaminated beauty and history.

Italian translation

*la traduzione inglese è di Giulio Efosi che si scusa per eventuali errori.

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